Who we are working with…

Here are some of the groups that we have worked with and an description of the services provided.


    • Coop Power Moved from unreliable outdated Plone site to Joomla 1.5 site with current extensions;
    • Earth Thrives is a direct project of ours.  It is being developed to be the face of the green, local and sustainable movement in the Pioneer Valley.  Features include a shared calendar, green and locally oriented search engine, etc
    • Pioneer Valley Sustainability Network Moved from static pages and document dump to full cms (joomla 1.5) w/ additional functions; moved from hosting company controlled to group managed site; hosted replacement site, migrated content & help guide management committee to update to new site, sorted out domain management issues

Small Business

    • Hidden-Tech — Developed community from day one; web site for event info and registration; managed discussion list on a daily basis at about 500 posts/month, for 5 years , 1 to 5 hrs per day, approx 6 days/wk
    • Resilient Businesses — A project of ours to develop solutions to the gap between small business and those charged with supporting them, esp, government and other funding agencies.

Creative Economy


  • You Do you have a project that fits with our mission?  Contact us